Better Places 2030: an unwavering commitment to sustainable development
Building on the objectives outlined in the Paris Climate Agreement, Unibail-Rodamco, launched in 2016 its CSR initiative “Better Places 2030.” A collective effort bringing together all teams, the Group has notably committed to a -50% reduction of its carbon emissions by 2030. It is the first listed real estate company to launch such an ambitious strategy to reduce carbon emissions across the value chain.
The strategy rests upon four pillars:
1. Less carbon emissions, better buildings
2. Less polluting transport, better connectivity
3. Less local unemployment, better communities
4. Less top-down, better collective power
An entity’s carbon emissions are generally divided into 3 scopes: direct emissions, indirect emissions, and other emissions. Unibail-Rodamco aims to reduce these three types of emissions (for example: construction works, tenant energy consumption, employee and visitor transport).