Le Louvre Museum is at Westfield Carré Sénart !
From October 17 to Novembre 8, 2020, Westfield Carré Sénart welcomes the Louvre Museum ! On the agenda: an exhibition on the theme of archeology and comics, as well as free tours and workshops for the whole family.
The travelling gallery leaves the Museum each year to meet people where they live, work and study, thanks to a set of artwork replicas. Over the next three weeks, visitors at Westfield Carré Sénart are invited to explore the exhibition « L’Archéologie en bulles » (archaeology in bubbles). The opportunity to discover the bases of archaeology and dive into the imagination of comic artists fascinated by the mysteries of the past. The initiative aims at awakening interest in art and encouraging people to visit museums. To this end, each visitor will receive a free ticket to the Louvre (within the limit of 3,500 tickets).
A rich and varied programme of cultural activities:
free tours and workshops
Studying archaeological objects, using scientific tools to explore the past: little ones and grown-ups will get the chance to become a true archaeologist during workshops accessible to all. Tours and activities are available every day from 2.30 to 6.30pm during school holidays, and wed. 4, sat. 7 and sun. 8 from 2.30 to 6.30pm. -
A guided tour of the exhibit and a coffee-talk for employees and retailers
screening of the movie « Une nuit au Louvre. Léonard de Vinci » at the Pathé cinema, followed by a discussion with guest lecturer Jacques Leroux. Filmed especially for the movie theatre, this private tour of the exclusive exhibition dedicated to the Italian artist is a unique opportunity to have a close look upon de Vinci’s most beautiful masterpieces.
Inspire, amaze, create new experiences and bring people together is what we do at Unibail-Rodamco-Westfield. After many weeks apart, our communities are looking for a place to be together and devote their free time to their favourite habits. In partnership with the Louvre Museum, we are offering our visitors and partners the opportunity to gather and share a cultural experience, in a centre certified Safe & Healthy.